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New Customer Value Report

The New Customer Value report supplies metrics on the aggregate value that new customers provide your program as well as their purchasing behavior. These metrics are aggregated at the partner level and can be displayed over a defined time period.

Use this report to evaluate the value brought in by a given promotion. For example, you can set the Date Range filter to Black Friday weekend, then set the Evaluation Period filter to 180 days to see how many of the new customers you acquired over that weekend ended up purchasing again within the following 180 days.

Access the new customer value report

This feature is only available with the Optimize add-on. Click here to get the add-on!
  1. From the left navigation bar, select optimize-icon__v4346847.svg [Optimize]Audience → Customer Value.

  2. Use the filters at the top to customize the report.

    • Refer to the Filter reference section below for more information on these filters.

  3. Select search-solid.svg [Search] to run the report.

    • Refer to the Report data reference section below for more understanding of the data contained in the report.

Important: Your New Customer Value report won't display any data unless you pass the Customer Status and Customer ID parameters with your conversions, because requires values for both these fields before the report can populate. Reach out to support for help if you want to pass these parameters.

Filter reference



Date range

Filter data by when it was created. You can pull a maximum of 366 days of data at a time, however, you can also compare 2 periods of time against each other.

To perform year-over-year reporting, select check-square-solid__2_.svg [Checked box] compare toangle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → check-solid.svg [Tick] Previous year.

Data older than 2 years may be periodically archived.

Insights Level

This sets the level on which you want to view new customer data:

  • Partner — Select this option to compare new customer data across all of your partners on This is the default option for this report.

  • Group — Select this option to compare new customer data across all of your partner groups.

  • Channel — Select this option to compare new customer data across all of your partner channels.

Event Type

Select the event types for which you want to view data, or select All to view data for all your event types.

Interaction Type

This sets the type of interactions for which you want to see behavior data:

  • Closer — Select this option to see new customer data on the insights level that closed an action (i.e., last click).

  • Introducer — Select this option to see new customer data on the selected insight level that introduced the ad to the user (i.e., first click).

  • Participant — Select this option to see new customer data on the selected insight level when a partner was a participant in the action lifecycle (i.e., partner didn't introduce or close).

  • Solo — Select this option to see new customer data on the selected insight level when a partner was the only driver in the full action lifecycle.

Margin Override %

Use this filter to generate a margin that will override the Margin Per Customer column in the report.

Evaluated Period

The number of days after a customer’s first conversion that you want the report to consider when analyzing customer value.


Use this angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] to filter for specific partners to see if they participated in the action lifecycle based on the insights level & interaction type you've selected.


Optionally, select one of these data points to include in your report.

  • Revenue — Select this option to show the revenue generated by the newly-acquired customers for each partner over the chosen period.

  • Margin — Select this option to show the margin generated by the newly-acquired customers for each partner over the chosen period.

Report data reference




The name of the partner who acquired customers.

Customers Acquired

A count of new customers who interacted with the partner at any point in their path to conversion during the selected date range.

Orders Per Customer

The average number of orders made by newly-acquired customers during the evaluated period.

Customers Who Repurchased

The percentage of newly-acquired customers who made at least two orders during the evaluated period.

Purchase Frequency

A measure that returns the following:

(Evaluated Period * Customers Acquired) / Actions

In other words, the closer the purchase frequency is to the number of days in the Evaluated Period (or greater than), the better reflection this is on the partner's ability to convert customers.

Revenue per Customer

The average generated revenue per newly-acquired customer for each partner over the evaluated period.

Margin per Customer

The average generated margin per newly-acquired customer for each partner over the evaluated period.


The revenue generated by the newly-acquired customers for each partner over the evaluated period.


The margin generated by the newly-acquired customers for each partner over the evaluated period.

New Customer Revenue (1st Purchase)

The revenue the partner generated through first-time customers over the evaluated period. This gives you insight into which partners draw new customers and which draw repeat purchasers.

AOV per New Customer (1st Purchase)

The Average Order Value the partner generated through first-time customers over the evaluated period. This gives you insight into which partners draw new customers and which draw repeat purchasers.

New Customer Revenue (2nd and Subsequent Purchases)

The revenue the partner generated through non-first-time customers over evaluated period. This gives you insight into which partners draw customers who increase their expenditure after their first purchase and which draw customers who maintain their initial expenditure.

AOV per New Customer (2nd and Subsequent Purchases)

The Average Order Value the partner generated through non-first-time customers over the evaluated period. This gives you insight into which partners draw customers who increase their expenditure after their first purchase and which draw customers who maintain their initial expenditure.


Note: The sum of the Customers AcquiredRevenue, and Margin Per Customer columns may be greater than the actual total value for the program since the same customer, revenue, and margin can apply to multiple partners who interacted with that customer.

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