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Review Paid Search Ads for Trademark Bidding Violations

Review paid search ads

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Reviewing a Paid Search ad allows you to view more information about the specific ad selected. You can also change the status of the ad or log a violation if the partner is found to be contravening your rules.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select protect-icon__v076c455.svg ProtectMonitoringPaid Search.

  2. Find the specific paid search ad you want to review.

  3. Hover your cursor over the ad and select Review.

  4. From here, you can view more details about the paid search ad.

    Ad details reference

    Ad Detail



    The website domain of the partner.

    Ad Display URL

    The URL where the display ad appeared.

    Search Engine

    On which search engine the ad was found.


    Your protected keywords that were used.

    Times Seen

    How many times saw the ad over a period of time.

    Last Seen Ad Rank

    The position of the ad on the search engine's results page.

    Ad Copy

    The text copy that was included in the ad.

    Ad Label

    More information about the type of potential offense.

  5. You can expand the Content Details section for even more information about the ad. These additional details include:

    • Ad ID—The unique identifier of the ad.

    • Policy—The name of the policy triggered the event.

    • Device Type—What type of device the ad was aimed for.

    • Ad Screenshot—A URL to the screenshot of the ad.

    • Ad Click URL—The URL that clicking the ad would take you to.

    • SERP—Which number page on the Search Engine Results the ad appeared on.

    • Ad's Location—Where on the page the ad was positioned.

  6. If you have found the ad to be in violation of your terms, next to Decision, select VIOLATION as the outcome for the ad.

  7. Select the Error type the violation was for and state the Severity of the violation. Set a Due Date by which the partner needs to respond by. Optionally, attach a file to the violation notification and leave a comment for the partner—you can communicate directly with the specific partner to ask them questions or to remove ads that are not authorized.

  8. Optionally, leave a Comment. If you opt to leave a comment, select whether it should be a Private or Public comment.

    Your comment will only be visible to your brand’s account users. Private comments can be used to make notes or provide context on the issue for other accounts users.

  9. toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] Send violation notifications if you want to notify the partner of the violation.

  10. Select Create Violation to create the violation and submit the violation notification (if you opted to do so).


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