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Guide to Query String Parameters

Your partners can customize tracking links with additional parameters that can be tracked by and reported to These are called Shared IDs and Param parameters. These are useful when you need your partner(s) to pass more tracking data to you.

Partners have a similar parameter called a Sub ID. This is solely for their tracking purposes, and there is no way for them to pass the data to you unless they send you a report.

Any parameters you want to pass in an ad's tracking link are managed via your Gateway Tracking Settings with the exception of the Shared ID and Param parameters. These two kinds of parameters need to be added to tracking links by your partners.

Shared ID versus Param parameters

The Shared ID parameter is the simpler of the two kinds of parameters partners can pass to you. The tracking data for this parameter is shared with both you and your partner(s), and neither party is reliant on the other to view the tracking results. Partners do control what information is passed via Shared ID but are likely to be open to discussing what information passed via Shared ID would be most valuable to the partnership.


Shared ID

Param parameter

Implementation Difficulty



How to Implement Partner UI

Partner manually appends to tracking links

Who Views Results

Brands and Partners

Brands by default, but partners can be sent reports with tracking results.

Who Controls What is Passed



Character Limit

255 Characters

255 Characters

Brand Reports to View Tracking Results

  • Performance by Partner Shared ID

  • Advanced Action Listing

  • Advanced Action Listing

How these parameters work

When a user clicks on an tracking link with a Shared ID or Param parameter appended, the results are captured by our tracking servers and stored. then correlates the click to the action.

See the snippet below for the example of how these parameters are appended to a tracking link.

In the example above, the parameter portion refers to the Shared ID or the Param passing through and reported by See the table below for additional details on the example link.



The unique tracking domain provided by


The ID for your partner.


The ID assigned to the ad.


The ID assigned to your program.

While the Shared ID is added to the tracking link by your partner(s) through, Param parameters must be manually appended to the end of a tracking link. This means that your partner, when adding the tracking link to where they will host the ad, must add the parameter on themselves. If your partner needs help with this, you can send them this article on Sub ID, Shared ID, and Param parameters.


All Shared ID and Param parameters have character limits of 255 characters.

View reports on passed parameters

Once your partner has added a Shared ID or Param parameters into tracking links, you can begin to view reporting on these parameters by using the Advanced Action Listing Report.

When creating an Advanced Action Listing Report for Shared ID and/or Param parameter tracking results, select which parameters you want to include in the report via the filters at the top of the screen. The Param parameter filter is added via the Show drop-down filter first before you can enter which Param parameters you want to add to the report.

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