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View the Cash Flow History Report

The Cash Flow History report shows a customizable history range for your account's cash flow.

You can use the dropdown menu at the top of the report screen to select a date range for the report, which shows cash flow history over that time frame.

View or download the report

This report is accessible from the Finance menu:

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu]→ Finance.

  2. In the left navigation menu, select Reports → Cash Flow History.

You can also have this report emailed to you, or you can download it in a variety of formats. In the top right of the report:

  • Select email.svg [Email] to email the report right now, or schedule a recurring delivery.

  • Select download-solid.svg [Download] to download the report in PDF, Excel, or CSV format.


Understand the report

There are four (4) sections to this report:

  • View all transactions

  • Beginning available funds

  • Transaction type

  • Ending available funds

The data reported in each section depends on the date range selected from the dropdown at the top of the report screen.

Each section below describes the column headers of each report to help you better understand what each one means. For most report tables, the top row shows the value of all rows added up together.

This section reports on all transactions that occurred over the selected date range. Click on the link to view the Cash Flow History - All Transaction Listing report.


Lists the unique transaction ID assigned by

Posting Date

Lists the date the transaction posted.

TXN Type

Transaction type: Bonus Payment, Make Good, Media Partner Placement Fee.


Lists the name of the partner who was debited or credited in this transaction.

Partner ID

Lists the ID of the partner who was debited or credited in this transaction.


Lists any custom notes about the transaction, otherwise defaults to a generated description of the transaction if no notes exist.


Lists the amount of funds debited or credited by this transaction.

Forward Balance

Lists the new balance of your funding account after this transaction.

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