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View Outside of Terms Actions as a Partner

Any actions that do not meet the requirements of the contract you made with your partnered brand are considered outside of terms. Unless these are manually approved by your partnered brand before the action locking date, you will not receive a payout for these actions.

Example: If a brand has set a cap on the number of actions you can be credited for in a month, any credited actions exceeding that cap would be considered as Outside of Terms actions.

View outside of terms actions

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Balance → Pending Actions.

  2. From the second-from-the-top navigation bar, select Outside of Terms.

  3. To view a specific brand's outside of terms actions, under Outside of Terms Actions, select them from the Brand: None drop-down menu and select search-solid.svg [Search].

  4. To search for a particular outside of terms action by its action ID, enter that into the Action Id search bar and select search-solid.svg [Search].

  5. To view more details of the action, to the left of the action date, select plus-square-solid.svg [Add]. More details will appear below the action.

Note: Outside of terms actions are a specific type of reversed action.

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