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Contract History Report

The Contract History Report shows you the entire history of your contract while on the platform.

  1. From the top of the partner screen, select Reports angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] → All Reports.

  2. Under the Reports column, select Contract History.

  3. Find the table you want to view.

    • You can find information about your signed contracts, pending contracts, and your rejected proposed contracts in the Table references below.


Table references

Signed contracts

Table Column



Select View to see the current contract.


See what brands you are partnered with.

Date Started

View the date that the current contract with a partnered brand began.

Date Ended

If your contract is temporary, or if there is an expiration date for the contract, see the date here.

Pending contracts

Table Column



Select View to see the proposed contract.


Se the brands you can potentially partner with.

Waiting On

Find which side of the potential partnership needs to make a decision about the contract proposed.

Adv means the brand need to make a decision. MP means you need to make a decision.

Waiting Since

See when this proposed contract was last updated.

Date Offer Expires

If the proposal has an expiration date, view that date here.

Rejected proposed contracts

Table Column



View the brand for which the partnership was rejected.

Was Final Offer

See if the version of the contract that was proposed was the final offer from either party.

Date Rejected

View the date that the contract was rejected.

Rejection Reason

See which party rejected the contract, and if a reason was given.

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