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Set up an Action Event Data Feed as a Partner

Set up an action data feed

  1. From the left navigation bar, select cloud-solid.svg [Feeds] → Data Feeds.

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, in the upper-right corner of the page, select user-circle-solid.svg [User Profile] → SettingsData Feeds.

  2. Next to Daily Action Feed, select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit].

  3. Toggle on toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle] Enable data feed.

  4. Set the Frequency in which you want FTP files generated.

    • Each file will only include events that happened since the last time a data feed file was generated. So, for example, if you decide to set the frequency to Hourly, only events that occurred within each last hour will be included.

    Frequency options

    Refer to the table below to see when each selection would generate a file. All times are in UTC format.

    Frequency Option

    Generation Times


    Every day, every hour since the last run time.

    Every 2 hours

    Every day, every 2 hours since the last run time.

    Every 4 hours

    Every day, every 4 hours since the last run time.

    Every 8 hours

    Every day, every 8 hours since the last run time.

    Twice daily

    Every day at 06:00:00Z and 18:00:00Z.


    Every day at 02:00:00Z.


    The first day of each month at 03:00:00Z.

  5. Select the Data Format. You have the following options:

    • XML: Human- and machine-readable markup text external-link-alt-solid.svg

    • TAB: Plain text, tab-spaced values

    • PIPE: Plain text, pipe-separated ( | ) values

    • CSV: Plain text, comma-separated values

  6. Pick the file's Delivery Method.

    • FTP: Pull action feed data from's FTP server.

    • Partner FTP: Have action feed data sent to your server — input the necessary server details.

    • Email: The email address with which you want to receive action data updates.

  7. Select Save.


Data feed fields

See details on the data feed file fields in the linked spreadsheet below. A data feed file will always include all of the fields marked Always Present in File. Fields marked Present when new data is available won't appear in the file if no new data is available for a given line item.

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