Track and review the performance of your marketing efforts on the mobile app's Reports screen. Locate this screen by selecting Reports from the bottom navigation menu or by selecting your Available Balance.

Field | Description | ||||||||||||||
Available Balance | This field gives you a live representation of funds available for withdrawal. The progress bar below the Available Balance shows how much you must still earn before an auto-withdrawal will take place. | ||||||||||||||
Today's Earnings | This field displays the amount of commission you've earned today. | ||||||||||||||
Pending Amount | This is the total value of all funds still due to you. The value shown is not finalized until the action locking period passes. | ||||||||||||||
Reports | This section contains the Advance Action Listing, Performance by Brand, and Performance by Sub ID & Shared ID reports. These reports help you keep track of your marketing efforts over time. For more information on each of these reports, see the Reports reference below. | ||||||||||||||
Snapshot This section is a graphical representation of your key performance metrics. Use the
Use the following features on your Advance Action Listing, Performance by Brand, and Performance by Sub ID & Shared ID report screens to manage how data is displayed.

Feature | Description |
| Use the Filters slide-up to refine the data displayed in the report. Select |
| Use the provided date range options to lengthen or reduce the period of time for which you want to view data.
| Select the |
This screen lists all actions (i.e., conversions) that have been credited to you within a specified period of time. Select an action to open a detailed view.

Field | Description |
Date | The date and time when the action happened. |
ID |'s unique identifier for the action. |
Campaign (a.k.a, Program) | The program to which the promotional asset belongs. |
Event Type | The tracking method that tracked the action. |
Status | An action can be in 1 of 4 statuses during the approval process.
Sale Amount | The total value of revenue you generated for the brand. |
Payout | The amount of commission paid to you for driving the action. |
Promo Code | If a promo code was used to drive the action, it is displayed here. |
Referring URL | The URL that the user came from before committing the action. |
SubId1, SubId2, SubId3 | If you appended additional parameters to your tracking link URL, the value is displayed here. The brand cannot see these values. For more information, see Sub ID & Shared ID Parameters Explained for Partners. |
SharedId | If you appended an additional shared parameter to your tracking link URL, the value is displayed here. This value is visible to both you and the brand. |
This screen lists brands for which you have driven leads and conversions over a specified period of time. Select the [Expand] next to a brand to open a detailed view of performance metrics.

Metric | Description |
Impressions | The number of times your ad content was displayed for a user to see. |
Clicks | The number of times users followed your ad links to the brand's landing page. |
Actions | The number of conversions you drove, excluding any reversed by the brand. |
Sale Amount | The total value of revenue you generated for the brand. |
Action Cost | The amount of commission paid to you for the actions you drove. |
Other Cost | Any additional costs paid to you, resulting from performance bonuses, make-good fees, or placement fee payments. |
Total Cost | The sum of your Action Cost, Click Cost, and Other Cost. |
EPC | The average amount of commission earned per click driven. |
This screen lists the programs for which you have used tracking links with Sub IDs or Shared IDs. Select the [Expand] next to a program to open a detailed view of performance metrics.

Metric | Description |
Total Earnings | All commission earnings paid to you for the program. |
Clicks | The number of times users followed your links to the brand's landing page. |
Actions | The number of conversions you drove for the program, excluding any reversed by the brand. |
RAW Clicks | The number of times users opened your link, including repeat clicks. |
Impressions | The number of times your link was displayed for users to see. |
RAW Impressions | The number of times your link was displayed for users to see, including repeat views. |
Sale Amount | The total value of revenue you generated for the program. |
Action Earnings | The amount of commission you received for driving the traffic that resulted in conversions. |