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Send an Email to a Partner

Use emails to easily communicate with both potential and joined partners. Correspond with partners about upcoming changes to your program, special promotions, and more.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select discover-icon__vf08ef31.svg [Discover]Marketplace.

  2. Select the All Partners page.

  3. Filter the list of partners to joined partners only. To do this, select Joined under the Relationship filter. Be sure to deselect the other Relationship filters.

  4. Hover your cursor over the partner you want to email, then select Email.

  5. An email to the partners, you must include the following details:

    Email Detail


    From name

    Who the email is from (e.g., your name).

    Reply to email

    The "return address" of the email (e.g., your email).


    This will appear on the subject line of the email.


    This will be the email's contents.

    Special Tokens

    You can embed special tokens into the content that dynamically populate values.

    Special tokens for emails




    Populates with the full ad listing of the specified <adid> value (e.g., {adcode_1122330}).


    Populates with the ID value of the partner’s account (e.g., 98765).


    Company name.


    Populates with the first name of the partner (e.g., John).


    Populates with the last name of the partner (e.g., Doe).


    Populates with the current date (e.g., January 19, 2038).


    Populates with the full date in ISO format (e.g., 19-Jan-2038 03:14:08 UTC).


    Populates with the current month and year (e.g., January, 2038).

  6. Select Send.

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