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Create Custom Measures in Data Lab

Create custom measures

This feature is only accessible to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!

Note highly recommends you reference the Data Lab Introduction help article before starting with this one.

  1. From the Dimensions and Measures section in the right toolbar, select plus-circle-solid__1_.svg [Create Custom Measure].

  2. Name your custom Measure—the example below will show a measure called Conversion Rate.

  3. Select your measure’s Format. You can choose between Number, String, Percentage, or Currency.

  4. In the Formula field, enter the calculation for the custom measure.

    • The example Conversion Rate measure will use Actions Costs / Clicks. will specify whether the formula is valid or not by a small check-solid.svg [check mark] at the top-right of the window.

  5. Select Save to save your custom measure.


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