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Advocate Team Member Roles & Permissions

Multiple members of your team can have access to your Advocate program’s settings. These team members may be assigned one of four roles:

  • Full access

  • Program manager

  • Support

  • Viewer recommends regularly auditing your list of team members to ensure that only current employees have the right level of access.

Full access team members can view and edit all elements of your Advocate program’s content and setup details. Only people with the full access role can invite other team members to your account or edit the permissions of existing team members. They can’t change their own permissions or remove themselves. recommends reserving full access permissions for those who need access to integrations and microsite hosting settings.

  • Manage team

  • Billing

  • Manage microsite hosting and identity

  • Integration management

  • Manage API keys

  • View programs

  • Manage programs

  • Manage forms

  • View participants

  • Manage participants

  • Review and manage pending referrals

  • Data management

  • Reports and analytics

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