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Clicks from Expired & Invalid Ads Report for Partners

The Clicks from Expired and Invalid Ads report shows actions you're driving from assets that are no longer available to you.

Manage the report

  1. From the left navigation bar, select search-solid.svg [Search] and enter "Clicks from Expired and Invalid Ads."

    • Alternatively for Creator accounts, from the top navigation bar, select the search-solid.svg [Search] and enter "Clicks from Expired and Invalid Ads."

  2. Under the Screens column, select Clicks from Expired and Invalid Ads.

  3. Under Clicks from Expired and Invalid Ads, select the Date Range, then select search-solid.svg [Search].

    • View the Table reference below for more information.

    • You can use the icons at the top-right of the page to icon-emailNEW.svg schedule, icon-downloadNEW.svg download (in PDF, Excel, or CSV format).

Table reference

Table Column


See Clicks

Select See Clicks to view the Clicks from Expired Ads - Details report for the asset on a specific row.

This report will show you exactly when the click was reported to, the reason why the click was invalidated, and the referring URL.

View the next section to learn more about the Clicks from Expired Ads - Details report.


View the brand (formerly known as advertiser) for which you are driving actions.


See the program associated with the asset you are hosting.


View the name of the expired/invalid asset you are hosting.

Ad Type

See the kind of asset you are hosting.


View the number of clicks the expired/invalid asset generated with the date range you set in Step 3.

Clicks from Expired Ads - Details report

The Clicks from Expired Ads - Details report shows you exactly when each click on the expired/invalid asset occurred. To access the report:

  1. Access the Clicks from Expired and Invalid Ads report by following the section above.

  2. Find the asset that you want to view the Details report for, then select See Clicks.

    • You should set the Date Range, Ad Id, and Campaign Id filters when you enter the screen. If you change them, select search-solid.svg [Search] after you set your filters.

    • See the Table reference for more information on the table columns.

Table reference

Table Column



View the date the click happened.


See the reason the click was invalidated.

Referring URL

If the click had a referring URL, view that URL.

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