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Create & Manage Connections for Partners

Connectors are a system for all batch data file transfers between and brands, partners, or other parties. Each connection (an individual connector) has certain attributes, such as the data type (clicks, conversions, product catalogs, etc.), direction (inbound or outbound), method (SFTP, FTP, Email), and more. The Connector Wizard allows you to set up connections to other platforms so that can automatically batch process the data to deliver enriched data to or from your systems.

Warning: You need to allow list either the host name or the IP address to upload data to

Create a connection

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

    • Alternatively, for Creator accounts, in the upper-right corner, select user-circle-solid.svg [User profile] → Settings.

  2. Under Technical, select Connections.

  3. Select Create Connection to access the Connector wizard.

  4. Continue to configure a data upload or a data download connection.

A data upload connection allows you to provide with data regarding audiences, identities, or card-linked transactions.

Step 1: Direction
  1. Enter the connection name and select the Direction of the data: Give data to

  2. Select Next to continue.

Step 2: Type
  1. Select the type of data that the connection will support, e.g., Conversions.

  2. Select Next to continue.

Step 3: Method
  1. Select the Method to use to give data to Email, SFTP, or FTP.

    The Email method requires that you add a wildcard pattern that matches filenames of attachments within the email, e.g., audiences_*.csv.

    • * represents any sequence of characters.

    • ? represents any single character.

    Warning: All attachments in an email should match the wildcard pattern, or the email will be ignored. Attached files prefixed with receipt_ or result_ will be ignored, because they are reserved for receipt or result files.

  2. Select the Methodology to use, either Push to or Pull from third party.

    • The Pull from third party methodology requires that you enter a Folder with the absolute directory path that contains the file, e.g., /home/ShandaLear/Audiences.

  3. Select Next to continue.

Step 4: Credentials
  1. Select existing credentials from the drop-down list, Edit Existing Credentials or Create New Credentials.

  2. If you're creating new credentials, enter a name for the credentials that describes its use case. E.g., Download Reports from, then select either Public Key or Password. If you choose Password, the values will be populated for you.

  3. You will see a popup displaying your provisioned credentials. Select Copy to proceed. The credentials will be copied to your clipboard.

  4. Select Next to continue.

Step 5: Review
  1. Finally, review the configuration and then select Create to create the connection.

  2. Congratulations! You can now use the new connection to upload data to

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