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Top Paths FAQ

The Top Paths Report can show you the most popular conversion paths in one of your programs. These are some of the most frequently asked questions about this report.

Why does the Contribution Report Affiliate Revenue report not match the Total Partner Revenue & Performance by Partner Revenue report?

The Contribution Report is not expected to match the Performance by Partner and similar reports because the Contribution Report is surfacing a sample of all available data. The report is designed to surface contribution insights vs. being used for gross revenue analysis.

Are there any technical integrations/tracking methods that would restrict brands from being able to use Insights Reports?

Yes, Optimize requires the implementation of either Universal Tracking Tag or Page Load API for the reporting of click referral activity.

How do Channel crediting groups impact the data shown in Insights?

Credit groups influence which click/referral events will receive credit for a transaction. A channel can be set to one of three credit groups including Preferred, Standard, and Non-preferred. will first look to see if any preferred referrals exist in a consumer journey. If one or more are found, then the last click of those referrals will be credited as the winner. Any non-preferred or standard referrals will not be considered. The logic proceeds in that fashion from preferred to standard to non-preferred. Alternatively, a non-preferred channel or partner will only receive credit when they are the last click and no preferred or standard referrals exist in the consumer journey.

How far back do Introduce touchpoints (first clicks) get reported?

It depends on the lookback window. uses whatever is set as the attribution model's max lookback window. The max event type lookback window looks across all terms and takes the max. For example, if the template terms range from a lookback of 3 days to 30 days, we would use 30 days. It gets set by default and is not exposed in the UI.

How does a program, set up to credit on the first click, impact the way insights reports work?

It works similarly to the last click, but who gets credited differs. Instead of whoever drove the last click in the conversion path getting credit for the conversion, whoever drove the first click will receive credit.


In all circumstances, only partners can win credit when an event type uses the first click credit policy. That means any channels configured will never “win” even if they are in the Preferred credit group. This is because all channels that are not managed are always considered under a Last Click attribution method. If deduplication with non-partner channels is important to a client, then Last Click crediting should be configured. Consult with your CSM when any such scenario arises to ensure it is configured correctly.

When clicking through reports, you must click the search option in order to have anything populate, which can be confusing. Is it possible to have data populated based on the default parameters?

The majority of reports should load automatically. However, any time you switch filters on reporting, you need to select the search button to load the data. This process is consistent across our platform and can't be changed.

When setting up channels, which should be set to preferred, standard, or non-preferred credit groups?

The primary purpose of credit groups is to influence payout decisions for partners managed via Unless advanced crediting for partners is configured, all partners managed via default to the Preferred credit group. Channels should be set to the Preferred credit group when the desire is to suppress payout to an partner when that channel is in the Last Click position. All other Channels should be set to the Non-Preferred credit group. It is common for brands to configure paid media (search, display, paid social, etc) to the Preferred credit group and unpaid media (organic search, organic social, etc) to the Non-Preferred credit group.

If advanced crediting is configured for partners managed via, please reach out to your CSM to discuss the optimal credit group configuration for your Channels.

Preferred channel referrals are prioritized over non-preferred and standard channels.

To use Optimize strictly as a reporting feature:

  • Leave all non-partner channels set to non-preferred. These channels will show up in reporting; however, they will not take credit from the Partners.

To use Optimize as a solution to deduplicate paid channels:

  • Crediting should be set by priority using preferred, standard, and non-preferred.

What are the best practices regarding Optimize?
This feature is only available with the Optimize add-on. Click here to get the add-on!

For best practices have a look at the following articles:

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