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Filter & Sort the Product Marketplace

You can perform searches, sort results, and have access to a range of filters to assist in your search for specific kinds of products.

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Products → Find ProductsExplore our Product Marketplace.

  2. The Search products bar and sort options are located at the upper-right of the screen, and the filtering options are located in the left navigation menu.

    • Refer to the filter descriptions and sorting options below.

Filter descriptions



Program Relationship

There are three options:

  • My Brands - only show products from brands with which you are partnered.

  • Other Brands - only show products from brands you are not yet partnered with.

  • Pre-Qualified - all products from brands with which you are pre-qualified to work.

Recommended: Make use of the Other Brands filter, it can help you find new potential partnerships with brands you were not yet aware of that offer products that suit you well.


The program to which the products belong. Select a program to show products associated with that program.

If you filter by program you can further drill down to select a product group.

Note: You can only filter by 1 program and product group at a time.


Choose the type of product you're interested in seeing. E.g., Electronics, Health & Beauty, Hardware, apparel & accessories.

Top Manufacturers

Filter products by the company brand.

This filter appears after you've selected a category or program.

Sorting options
  • Products that fit your filters will, by default, be sorted by Relevance. You can change the order in which products are displayed by selecting a Sort By option from the angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] in the upper right corner.

  • See the table below to learn more about each sort option.


Sort By



How similar a product is to your search terms or filters.


The price of a product in a particular order based on your following selection:

  • Price Ascending - from least to most expensive.

  • Price Descending - from most to least expensive.

Discount Percentage

This is determined by comparing the original selling price with the latest selling price. (E.g., original price is $100, latest price is $50, then the discount percentage will be 50%)

If you sort by Discount Percentage, will sort the product list from highest to lowest discount percentage.

Total commissions

This is the total $ amount of commissions paid out on a product. Selecting this option will arrange the product list by products that have the highest commissions paid out, in descending order. The commissions are measured over a rolling 28-day period.

Total Sales

This is total $ amount of sales recorded by on a product. Selecting this option will arrange the product list by products that have the highest $ amount in sales, in descending order. The sales are measured over a rolling 28-day period.

Sales Volume

This is the total volume of sales recorded by on a product. Selecting this option will arrange the product list by products with the highest volume of orders placed for it, in descending order. The sales are measured over a rolling 28-day period.

Earnings Per Click

This is the earnings per click (EPC) that you will accrue when promoting this product if the brand pays per click.

Commission Percentage

This option sorts products belonging to programs that offer the highest commission percentage payout.

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