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Delete Advocate Participants in Bulk


This process will permanently remove the selected participants and all of their historical data, including referrals and rewards, events, custom fields and more. Deleted data is not recoverable. Before starting the deletion process, we recommend confirming that all participants in your upload file should be permanently erased from your Advocate program. See our document on Participant Deletion for more information.

Advocate accepts imports submitted in .csv or .jsonl file formats. Please reference our sample CSV import file and sample JSONL import file to view the required file structure for your import.


We recommend that each import does not exceed 500,000 entries.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Reporting → Imports & Exports.

  2. Select download-solid.svgImport.

  3. Under Choose an Import Type, select Delete Users.

  4. To upload your file, select Select File.

  5. Select Start Import.

When the import completes, a confirmation email is sent. Imports may take up to 30 minutes, depending on queue and file size.


Bulk user deletes require only an id and accountId for the users to be deleted, and have some optional fields depending on the behavior required. Fields are case sensitive.







The unique identifier of the Account that this user belongs to.




The unique identifier provided for this user.



If the user’s account is left with no users, by default the account will be deleted. If set, this field will result in the empty account being preserved. This will override the global Preserve Empty Accounts setting for the import job for this row specifically.



Specify true if you would like this user to be deleted with the Do Not Track setting set. This will override the global Do Not Track setting for the import job for this row specifically.


We notify you by email when your import is complete. You can download the results from the Reporting → Imports & Exports.


Download links will expire after 30 days.

If the import completes successfully, a file with the account and user IDs of the deleted participants will be generated and emailed to you.

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